
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I know..Im a slacker!

I know, I know I have been a slacker when it comes to updating my blog! (sorry Mrs. Konie!! :))

This past week has absolutely FLOWN by for me. Its been a whirlwind. Lots happened this weekend, but I can't go in details. Just glad for our dear friend Becca who helped us out tremendously. Thank you Becca! I don't know what we would have done without you!  (Please pray for Jon and I on Monday around 8 am....)

Today I got a special treat! My parents came down and brought Kemp. Jon and I joined Cornerstone today and they wanted to see us join and check out the church. The service was soooooooo great today! Music was awesome and the preaching was great. All in all I was definitely fed from todays service. My parents also really like the service. My dad said "I didn't know God was in Auburn!" haha. He also said that he felt like he started getting a rash when he was driving into Auburn. HAH. 

Chris and Becca also came to church today and then we all went out to lunch afterwards. We went and ate a Shogun. I think Chris made us all laugh until we cried while we were there.  I was so glad my parents finally got to meet them because I talk about them all the time.  

After lunch we came back to the house for a little visit. Kemp and Jon Jon played some games while I chatted with my parents. I don't know who had more fun..Kemp or Jon! :) I always love to see how Jon interacts with Kemp. He is soo good with him and it makes me that more assured that he is going to make an amazing father one day.

After a little while it was time for my parents to leave. I thought Kemp was going to freak out. HAH. He literally MELTED down. (MOM, We need to get him on camera having his melt downs!) He runs into the couch and melts down to the bottom. Its hilarious. He did NOT want to leave. He had  told my mom earlier that he was "SO GLAD HE CAME TO AWBRAN!" haha. He is so sweet and melts my heart with his sweet little voice. I was so glad they brought him.  :) I reassured Kemp that he could come back VERY soon and spend the night with Jon and I. He LOVES to come to AWBRAN. 

I am so glad my parents came down today. It was very nice to spend time with them down here. Thanks, mom and dad! Love you guys so much! See you on friday!

I hope you all have a great week! 

Blessings and Love,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Crazy week..

So this has DEFINITELY been a crazy week for me. A lot of girls are off work this week due to Spring Break and I can say that I am READY for them to come back!! It definitely makes a difference to have a few extra helpers around and they have been missed GREATLY by me! (Plus I miss my 2 girlies terribly! Hannah and Abbie HURRY home...please?!?!?) I told my director that I wouldn't mind staying until all the kids were picked up this week. Which has been nice because I have gotten a 2 hour lunch break vs 1 hour lunch break! :)
On wednesday the other teacher I work with had to go to Birmingham for a DRs appointment so I said I would work from 7-5:30. Little did I know that Keith, Jons dad, wanted us to go to the basketball that night. I didn't think I was going to be able to stay awake, but I did! I had a great time and I am so thankful they invited us to go! Auburn beat UT-Martin (BUMMER..I KNOW!) so it was all good moods for the guys that were there. HAH! After the game we went and ate at "Little Italy" and saw a couple from our small group. It was fun hanging out with them but, in the end I was getting REALLY tired. It didn't take me anytime to fall asleep last night! I can remember turning on the TV and watching for all of 2 minutes and the next thing I knew my alarm clock was going off!
Surprisingly today went by fairly fast. I came home on my lunch break and put dinner in the crock pot. I made my first roast with carrots and potatoes. I also made Mimis brown rice to go with it and also some rolls . It was soooooooooo good if I do say so myself! It is probably the best meal that I have made! :) So good and SO easy!
I am anxiously awaiting the weekend so that I can SLEEP in and BE LAZY!!!!!!!! :) I think Friday night we are going to the next Auburn Basketball game with Keith and Saturday I am declaring it PAJAMA DAY! And doing nothing but being LAZY!
Well thats all the news I have for now!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Blessings and Love,

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'll always Miss you, Maggie....

So I really feel like God had me off work and in Hoover for the past few days for a reason. The reason? I got to come home and say my final good byes to my Maggie girl. Maggie is our 20 year old family cat who I can't remember life without in it.
I will never forget going to the humane society and picking her out with my mom and dad. I was only 5 when we went. I remember looking at Maggie and her being SO tiny. She was rescued out of a dumpster.
It sure didn't take Maggie long to gain her weight! She got to be a FAT cat. In fact our old neighbors called and asked my mom if Maggie was pregnant!! :) She was certainly NOT pregnant as she had been spayed and was just a sweet FAT cat!
When Maggie was around 6 or 7 she some how got stuck in our roof. We still don't know she managed to get herself up there. But, my Dad got on a ladder and keep telling her "Maggie, JUMP to me!" It didn't take her long to figure out what he meant and she took a leap of faith and JUMPED into his arms! Most cats probably wouldn't have done that, but she trusted him enough to do it!
One of my favorite memories of Maggie is when we had moved from Riverchase to Lake Cyrus and we thought we had lost her. We all agonized over it. Went out in our cars calling for her, only to come home empty handed, without our Maggie. We searched for her ALL day. One of my mom friends came by to bring us dinner and we were showing her the house. We showed her the guest bedroom and the trundle bed. She had never seen one so we were showing her how it worked. I pulled out the trundle and their laid MAGGIE. We couldn't believe it! We guessed she was freaked out by the move and just went to hide!! We were SO glad to see her!
Another memory of my baby is when she would CRY at the top of her lungs to get into my room with me in the EARLY mornings. It use to make me soooooooooo mad because she would MEOOOOOW as loud as she could until I went and opened the door for her to hop in bed with me.

When I came home on friday and saw her I almost got sick to my stomach. She is SO skinny and her face is swollen. (We think she broke a tooth and now has an infection.) You can tell its hard for her to sit down and get comfortable. This morning my mom and I spent ALL morning with her. Making some last pictures and SOBBING over our baby girl. This is the first time I've ever lost a pet, so its all new to me. But, I don't consider Maggie a pet, I consider her part of our family. Tomorrow is going to be sooooooo hard. I don't want her to suffer, but I don't want her to go. My heart breaks just thinking about tomorrow. I have SOBBED the whole time I have written this blog. I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight.

So if you don't mind say a prayer for us Frys tomorrow as we send our Maggie to Cat Heaven.....

Princess Lily Day!

Today I declared it Princess Lily Day! How I have missed my Lily Belle SO much. I am so glad I got to spend the afternoon with her! When mom and I picked her up from school she asked me, "Cutie, can we go to the mall and go to Build a Bear?" How could I say NO to Princess Lily?!? So of course we went and I let her pick out whatever she wanted for her bear. I never would have thought that she would have picked out the Hannah Montana bear. I didn't even know she knew who Hannah Montana was. But, we was adamant about having the bear. Of course, it was Princess Lily day so it was whatever she wanted! :) I had so much fun being with her today. She is SO girlie and I LOVE that about her. :) She is JUST like her Cutie about that! Here are some pictures from the day:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Alabama Weather...

Alabama weather never ceases to amaze me! On Friday morning we took the kids outside to a beautiful morning. The weather was perfect. We spent about an hour outside and then came in and had lunch. As soon as we got them down for their naps, the bottom dropped out! It was horrible weather. In fact, I was a little nervous that I was in charge of 10 kids during weather like it was! :( We had some friends that were suppose to come down on Friday night, but do to obvious weather they were unable to come down until Saturday afternoonish.
On Saturday morning I was woken up to tornado sirens around 7:30 am. I woke Jon up and we turned on the TV. About that time they were saying, "If your in Auburn get in your place of safety!" Thats all I had to hear. I grabbed my pillows and some blankets and we made it into our hallway. I called my parents and dad LAUGHED and said "There hasn't been a tornado in Auburn in YEARS...YOUR FINE!" Well, what happened? There was a confirmed F1 Tornado that hit the Auburn/Opelika area! :( SCARY!
After all the bad weather was gone Jon and I went to buy paint for the den! I found a Martha Stewart paint that I REALLY loved, but Jon said it was to expensive! :( So, I had to find another one for less. But, it looked identical to it. We would have just been paying for the name of the Martha one! We made a deal with our friends that if they stayed with us they had to help us paint! So the boys painted the den while the girls went shopping! haha!
The den looks great! I don't have any pictures of it yet. Jon has a few touch ups that he has to do, and as soon as they are done Ill post them! :)
Saturday night we went to eat at a local pizza place called Little Italy for a friends birthday. It was actually really good and I highly recommend it for anyone in the Auburn area. :) After dinner we decided we wanted to go bowling. It would have been a good idea had we not waited until 10:00 pm to decied this! We went and they told us it would be atleast 11 before we even got our lanes. Luckily, it only took about 20 minutes to get them. We bowled for 2 hours. The temperature had DEFINITELY dropped while we were bowling. I still didn't think we would have any snow...
Boy was I wrong! I got a text from Jons step sister saying it was snowing. So, I ran and opened the front door to find the beautiful snow on the ground! It was goregous! We took a ride around campus and the boys wanted to see the AKL house so we went there. It was really pretty. This was the best kind of snow. The snow that comes for a day and is gone the next!! Jon got an email from his boss about an hour ago saying "Enjoy the snow and enjoy the day off!" I am SUPER jealous!! Only JON would get off work tomorrow!

Here are some pictures from the day!