
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2nd Appointment

Jon and I had our second doctors appointment today. Our usual doctor was out, so we saw another one. Who was REALLY funny and made us feel really comfortable.

I was REALLY sick the past few days with the stomach bug and couldn't wait to get to the doctor to get some medicine! The morning sickness has been a KILLER for me. Thankfully, he prescribed me Zofran. (and all I can say is thank the LORD for insurance! Otherwise it would have been $399.99! YES- you read that right. And all I had to pay was $10.00! Not a bad deal!)

Anyways, the doctor said everything looked wonderful. We even got to see our little angel again. I was really happy because Jon missed the first appointment. He found the heartbeat and showed us on the screen. You could see it flittering. It was so unreal. This time, it was more real for me because it actually looked like a baby. I couldn't believe how much he/she has changed in the past few weeks.

It is so surreal to me, to see MY baby on the monitor. I can hardly keep my eyes off my picture they gave me. It is really really neat.

Jon has been absolutely amazing while I haven't been feeling well. I am so so so blessed to have a husband who will do anything for me and not complain one time. He cooked, did the dishes and 3 loads of laundry without me even asking. (Jon, thank you. YOU are such an amazing hubby and I couldn't have been blessed with anyone better. I love you so much.)

To Baby Cullen,
I can't believe how much you have grown in such a short time. I am constantly amazed with you already. You are already so loved. I can't wait to find out what you are. Not because I care one way or another but so I can start calling you by your real name. Carter or Bella. What are you, sweet angel?!? I love you more and more each day, angel.

Blessings and Peace,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weekend recap

Jon and I have had so much fun together the past few days. (He had some time off due to working so much at the conference!)

We had to take Mom back home on Saturday. (Which was a bummer.) I love having her here. So glad she is only about an hour and a half away. Mom and I had a great week while Jon was gone. Got to have some girl time, which was nice! Thanks, Mom for coming up and staying with me. I would have felt so sad about going to my first doctors appointment alone! :)

After we dropped my Mom off, we headed to Jon's Moms new house. His Mom just built a beautiful house. We had lunch over there and spent time with his family. It was nice seeing his brothers because we hadn't seen most of them since Christmas. (Thank you JM and Charlene for a delicious lunch!)

Yesterday we went to Babies R Us and looked around. Jon was SO cute in there. Melted my heart and brought tears to my eyes just thinking of the kind of daddy he will be. He wants the BEST of the best of everything. We have picked out our stroller traveling system. We are going with the Chicco system. It is REALLY easy to open and close and very easy to maneuver. SO exciting to be looking at all this neat stuff for the Bebe.

Today, we went and ordered our chair. We ordered it from the cutest store in Huntsville called Posh Mommy (and baby too!). They have THE cutest clothing, beautiful furniture and great Maternity clothes. I found the chair with Mom last week and wanted to wait for Jon to see it before I ordered it. We happened to go back when it was $100 off, which definitely helped! They said it would take about 4-6 weeks to come in. I can't wait to get it in. It is going in our den until the baby comes.

I am still feeling great. Just a few times I have been sick. Just don't talk to me about red meats. UGH. Just the thought of a hamburger, ground beef, or a steak makes me queazy. The fatigue is killing me. I can hardly make it through the day without a nap. Sometimes I just need 30 minutes and I am fine, others I need a 3 hour nap!

Anyways, theres the recap on our weekend.

Hope you all had a wonderful long weekend!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"For this Child I have prayed..."

Well, Jon and I have some pretty exciting news to share with everyone! We're expecting our first little one in April 2011. (I know it seems like FOREVER but *hopefully* the time will fly by!)

The day we found out we were pregnant I should have seen all the signs God was giving me. After about 6 negative pregnancy test, I became very very discouraged. Wondering why I couldn't get pregnant, etc etc. I called out in prayer for God to give me a sign as to if I were pregnant or not. Boy, did I get that sign.

As I was getting ready for work on August 12th I was doing my usual routine of doing my make up and listening to Jeremy Camp Radio on my Iphone. As I was doing my make up the song "Arms wide open" by Creed began to play on my phone. If you have never heard the song, go listen to it! Its amazing. But the first lyrics are, "Well, I just heard the news today. Seems my life is gunna change. I close my eyes began to pray, then tears of joy stream down my face. With arms wide open under the sunlight. Welcome to this place Ill show you everything, with arms wide open." If that wasn't a sign I didn't know what was. I went on to work and met Jon back at the house for lunch. (which we do everyday now, and its AWESOME!) I told him that maybe I should get ONE more pregnancy test. One that said "PREGNANT OR NOT PREGNANT". He told me to go ahead and go Wal-Mart and get one. He had to go on to work, but I went on and got one anyways.

When I got home I was going to wait until the morning, but we all know that I am impatient as they come. I took the test and within a MINUTE the words "PREGNANT" read across the screen. I was SHOCKED. TEARS of JOY streamed down my face. I immediatley called Jon because I couldn't wait to tell him. He answered the phone and I said "HI DADDY" and he said "WHAT?! OMG." and began to tear up, Which of course made me cry. Something we have wanted was happening for us. We were both so excited/scared/shocked/nervous/BLESSED/over the moon. The emotions just were so overwhelming in that moment. We knew we wanted to tell family and friends immediately. We decided we would want the support of our family and friends if God forbid something were to happen. We came home the next day and told everyone. All of our family and friends were elated.

Jon and I are just feeling so incredibly blessed about Bebe Cullen. I got to see him/her yesterday and hear the little heart beat. Which, was unreal. Jon had to miss the first appointment because he is in Vegas for his business trip. SO, I got my Mom to come with me to make video and pictures. It was so surreal to see OUR baby on that screen. My doctor (WHO I LOVE) said everything looked perfect. Which was SO reassuring to hear.
I can't wait to meet our precious one. April can't get here soon enough. We don't care one way or another what we are having. I just want a HEALTHY baby. Nothing else matters to me.

To Baby Cullen,
I can't wait to see your precious little face, little fingers, and tiny toes. I can't wait to kiss you and hold you. I pray for a healthy and safe pregnancy for the both of us. I love you so much already.
Love you always, Mommy