
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Baby Gabriella Countdown!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Picture update!

Well, its been a million years since I've had the time to sit down and blog.

Carter is every where these days! He turned 8 months old a few days ago. I seriously do NOT know where the last 8 months have gone. Its crazy to think that in just 4 months I will have a ONE YEAR OLD. BOOHOOOHOOOO. :(

Carter is SO fun these days. His little personality and smile just MELT my heart. There is nothing I love more than getting him up from his nap and seeing him smile when he sees me. He is a mommas boy and I LOVE it. I know it won't be much longer that he will be all about his DADDY, so I am taking it and soaking it in while I can. :) Love that lil monkey more than anything.

Here are some recent pictures of my handsome fella..

Carter with Santa for our shoot with Amanda Traywick :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

wordless wednesday

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Poor Monkey

My poor little monkey had to have a minor surgery on Monday. He had tubes put in. Poor baby had a DOUBLE ear infection for over a month. None of the antibiotics worked on him. The last time we took him to the pediatrician, he said it was time to see an ENT.

Everything happened with it SO fast. We saw my doctor on Wednesday and the ENT on thursday and by Friday we had his surgery scheduled for EARLY Monday morning. Monday couldn't get here quick enough. Sunday night was miserable. He couldn't have anything to eat passed midnight. He still eats at about 3 am. Well, when he wanted to nurse and there was nothing I could, I felt TERRIBLE. Lets just say, I owe all my neighbors a CAKE. I'm sure they were all up with us. From 3 until we left to the surgery center at 5:30 he screamed. I felt SO helpless and SO bad for him. He was STARVING and in pain.

I was so thankful to Jons Mom and Step dad (G and Grandpa) for coming up for the surgery. My Mom wasn't able to come, so it meant a LOT they would get up as early as they did to be with us. Even though it was a minor surgery, my baby had to be put to sleep. Which made me EXTRA nervous. When they took him back, I *almost* cried, but was able to hold it together. I knew he was in great hands.

No more than 15 minutes later was he DONE and ready to EAT. God LOVE him. He was SO pitiful when they brought him to me. All discombobulated. I could hear him coming down the HALL. HAHA! I was SO ready to hold my boo and nurse him. He couldn't eat quick enough. :) (even G and Grandpa said they heard him in the waiting room!!!)

He has done SO much better since getting the tubes. I am so thankful that it was such a quick and easy process.

Thank you to those who have callled, texted or sent an email to let us know you were thinking and praying for us. Its nice to know who all is there for you when you need them.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, October 15, 2011



We are actually heading to Orlando on Friday so we can see KELLEY and RYDER!!!!!!! YAY! :) Kelley is visiting her parents and we decided to make an impromptu trip down to Orlando.

and it gave us a GREAT excuse to introduce Carter to MICKEY MOUSE! :)

Me, Carter, GranJan, Natalie, Brad, Kemp and Daisy are all heading down on Friday! (Jon just got back from Switzerland for work so he is staying back!) We haven't told Kemp or Daisy yet. We are going to tell them on the way! YES, it will be videoed! I can't wait to see his reaction. We went last year and had a BALL. I LOVE Disney World.

Carter is INTRIGUED whenever Mickey Mouse is on TV, so I have a feeling he will too. We may become "that" family that goes every year! HA! :)
We are going to the "Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party" Sunday night. It is my most favorite thing to do! Jon and I went for our Honeymoon and just loved it. Last year when we went I took Kemp for his Birthday. He LOVES Halloween anyway so I just knew he would be beside himself. He was and I can't WAIT to see his face when we tell him we are going back! :)

**Carter is FINALLY feeling better. After my last post, Carter began projectile vomiting so I rushed him to the doctor. Poor baby is allergic to penicillin like his mommy. They were glad they changed his medicine because the other hadn't done a thing for his ears. He will probably be a candidate for tubes. I definitely think he could benefit from them. 2 terrible ear infections and he just turned 6 months. Just thankful that's all it is and not something else. We are so blessed.**

Well, I probably won't update until we get back. My next blog will be filled with pictures of DISNEY!!!!



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy 6 Months, my boo!

I can NOT believe that it has been 6 months since my sweet boy has been born! Where did the last 6 months go????????? They went tooooo fast thats for sure!!!

Carter has been dealing with an ear infection for the past few weeks! :( We went back on Monday to see if it was gone and not only had it COME BACK, but it was in BOTH ears. Poor little thing. Never would have known, because he has been SO sweet. Even at night he has been fine! So glad I didn't cancel the appointment like I had thought about doing thinking he was fine.

This morning he woke up and had a RASH all over his little tummy. I was heading out the door to meet my friend Monica when I noticed it. Her hubby is a doctor, so I figured I would ask her about it. She took one look and said "call your doctor and see what they say." Sure enough, he's having an allergic reaction to his antibiotic. Poor kid. He can't catch a break! They told me to give him a 1/2 teaspoon of children bendaryl, give him another dose of his antibiotic and see what happens. If the rash comes back, they will take him off of it and go from there. Poor thing.

We had fun while we could with my friend Monica and her adorable baby girl Nora. Monica and I were friends at Faulkner and both ended up in Huntsville. It was so fun to catch up with her and meet Nora. :)

At 6 Months Mr. Carter: You weigh 20 POUNDS. BIG boy. You OBVIOUSLY love food, you gave 2 teeth, can sit up ALL BY YOURSELF, your trying to crawl, still love to nurse, have a new found interest in Wiggles (which makes me a little nervous!), LOVE to watch other kids and LAUGH and "talk" to them.

I know I am your Mommy, BUT, LITERALLY every where we go someone stops me and says what a beautiful baby boy you are. It makes my heart smile SO big. Of course, I think you are the cutest thing EVER, but to hear complete STRANGERS say it makes my day.

Sweet Baby,
You are growing tooooooooooo fast. Can you slow down just a bit please?!?! Everyday I fall in love with you more and more. I am SUCH a proud Mommy. Being your Mommy is the best job I could ever ask for. Thanks for making a Mom. I love you more than anything!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Splish, Splash...

.......Carter was taking a BATH! :) One thing is for certain. My baby LOVES the bath tub. He LOVES the water. Going to be a little water baby that's for sure!

Check out the pictures below!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

All about JON! :)

In Honor of our upcoming 3 Wedding Anniversary, I decided to do a little survey on the man behind the blog!

1. Who is your man? Jonathan Christoper Cullen

2. How long have you been together? a total of 9 years! 3 years married!

3. How long dated? We dated for a total of 6 years before we were married!

4. How old is your man? 27

5. Who eats more? without a doubt--HIM!

6. Who said “I love you” first? LOL! I can remember it like it was yesterday. Silly high school. I sent him a text that said "I wuv you" and he sent me one back that said "I love you too!" AWE :)

7. Who is taller? Jon

8. Who sings better? um..neither

9. Who is smarter? without a doubt...JON

10. Whose temper is worse? Mine

11. Who does the laundry? I do all the laundry, fold, and put away but he HANGS it all!

12. Who takes out the garbage? That would be JON! I don't do garbage!

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me

14. Who pays the bills? That would be Jon. I don't do bank account stuff!

15. Who is better with the computer? Well, obviously Jon! That's what he does for a living

16. Who mows the lawn? The lawn people at our apartment. LOL! :) Once we get our HOUSE built, he will tho!

17. Who cooks dinner? We take turns!

18. Who drives when you are together? He won't let me drive! LOLOLOL!

19. Who pays when you go out? He does, but it comes out of the same account regardless!

20. Who is most stubborn? Oh Lord. Both of us are pretty hard headed.

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? ME

22. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine

23. Who kissed who first? He kissed me first

24. Who asked who out? Technically, I guess I did! LOL! :0) I needed a date to Sadie Hawkins, but was tooooooo shy to ask anyone. Our friends played cupid and set us up. :0) 9 years later, here we are!

25. Who proposed? He did- ask him about the bats!

26. Who is more sensitive? Me

27. Who has more friends? Him

28. Who has more siblings? Me

29. Who wears the pants in the family? We both do

30. How did you meet? Well, kinda explained it earlier. BUT, I met him standing in my friends living room. As crazy as it sounds, it felt like I had known him my whole life after only knowing him for 5 minutes!

To Jon,
YOU are the LOVE of my life. I am SO thankful that you said "YES" to our date 9 years ago and that you said "I DO" 3 years ago.
We have certainly had our ups and downs in our relationship, including a job loss less than 6 months into our marriage. But, we learned to lean on each other and more importantly lean on GOD.
Of course, we were blessed with the most beautiful baby boy anyone could ask for. Yes, he looks just like you. The way you are with him just melts my heart. You are such an amazing daddy. There was no question you would be!
I can't thank you enough for giving me the best job. Staying at home with Carter is the BEST job ever. Thank you for the sacrifices you make in order for it to happen.
Of course, there is one small thing wrong with you. Your a stinky auburn fan. BUT, the NICEST auburn fan I know.
Saturdays wouldn't be the same if we both cheered for the same school! And we both know its all in good fun. BUT, we all know who Carter is going to cheer for.....RAMMER JAMMER! :)
I love you more than anything in this world, Jon Cullen. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife. Thank you for putting up with me on daily basis. You make me the happiest girl in this world.
Here's to the next 50 years together!

Sittin' like a BIG boy!

We have SUCH a BIG boy on our hands!!
Carter is officially sitting up!!!! I can't believe it! He is so proud of himself and thinks he's SOOOO big now! :)
On Friday, he got up on all fours and rocked. Yeah, we're going to have a crawler in the house VERY soon! (We have a VERY determined child on our hands! Which maybe a bad thing when he's about 2! HA!)
All of this done before he was 6 months old! Way to go sweet boy, but can you slow down a bit? I want my BABY back! Your growing tooooooooo fast, Mr. Carter!
Its so amazing to watch you learn something new everyday.
I love you more than anything in this world!