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Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day. I have to say it is MUCH different when you have someone who you love in the service.  Every other year I have taken it for granted, but this year is different. To have a brother in the Navy makes me TRULY stop and think about what this day means. Thank you to everyone who is serving our country or has served. My Paw Paw, My dad, my Uncle Pat, and now my brother have all served. 

So, I am suppose to be going back to Auburn today. I can't tell you how I DON'T want to go back. I know I HAVE to, but I certainly DON'T want to! The drive is so boring and I am going to miss my hubby. Going on 2 weeks without having him around. I am actually starting to miss that big ole dork. :) But, I know he HAS to stay up here. Praying that Tuesday will be a great day for Jon. :)

I keep telling myself ONLY 3 more nights in Auburn. I can't believe it! It is so surreal. I thought that Jon and I would be there for at least 3 years. I had no idea it would happened as quickly as it did. Jon and I have been talking about everything that has happened and we both agree that this is a blessing in disguise. As weird as that sounds we both feel its true. We will be around family and friends. What could be better than that? NOTHING

On another note..we are suppose to go to the pool this morning, but I just don't see that happening. It has rained SO much lately. I just hope and pray that it doesn't rain on Saturday when the boys are moving the furniture.

Well I had better get busy and start packing...

Blessings and Peace,


JaniceFry said...

Hey, girl. time to update!!! LOL...what about blogging about our great fun last Thursda night?!?!?!

JaniceFry said...

Ummmm, TIME FOR AN UPDATE?!?!?!?!